If you think about it, you will realize that even in school, the bad boys always had the most beautiful girls. If you walk around the city, you will immediately see the big bad boys, next to which are the girls of your dreams.
Based on every film that has been made, it turns out that a tough, ruthless guy always wins the girl’s heart. If you think about it, you will realize that even in school, the bad boys always had the most beautiful girls. If you walk around the city, you will immediately see the big bad boys, next to which are the girls of your dreams.
Why is this so?
Maybe really nice guys tend to become bad boys. Or maybe it’s our own fault… society tells us that real men should be strong, reliable, able to take care of a woman , but at the same time they should be sensitive . Many of us try to embody this image of a real man, until everything collapses before our eyes when we see that our neighbor’s idiot son treats his beautiful girlfriend like garbage. He never calls her, is always rude and disrespectful to her.
So what’s the problem? Do we misunderstand what a real man should be like?

  1. Bad boys are confident and assertive.
    They know what they are, and they don’t care what others think of them. They are independent, and such real men do not need support, as well as other people to increase self-esteem. Women find self-confidence to be a very sexy quality .
    Bad boys don’t have to be in good shape or be very attractive. Some bad boys may look funny enough, but women find them very attractive.
  2. Women find bad boys challenging.
    We all like challenging tasks, and perhaps women are even more attracted to challenging tasks than men. If something is a difficult task, then in the end the result should reward us for all our efforts, right? Women will overcome all obstacles and go to great lengths to solve the mystery that a man presents to them. They may also be very attracted to the idea that their man can leave them at any time . The greater the chance that a man will leave them, the more effort women put into keeping him around.
  3. Women always try to change a man. That’s their nature.
    Women are attracted to the idea that a bad boy can change for them . But since this almost never happens, women will strive to do everything to make the bad boy become like them, as well as to become an important part of his life. Good boys are already perfect in themselves, they don’t need to be redone, and this sometimes seems boring to women.
  4. Bad boys are interesting, they do interesting things and essentially do what they want.
    They don’t have to answer to anyone. If you always do things by the rules or let others tell you what to do, you will inevitably become boring. But if you are in the company of bad boys, you will not be bored . They tend to make spontaneous decisions on the spur of the moment.
  5. Bad boys will not tolerate anything from anyone.
    Many women say that they do not like conflicts and want a man who can avoid conflicts, but this is not true. Deep down, every woman dreams of her bad boy getting into a fight with the guy who just insulted her or put his hand on her buttocks in the club.
    If we add up all these elements…
    we will get strength , temperament , an interesting personality and, most importantly, confidence . Women find these qualities very sexy. Bad boys have all these qualities, so it’s no wonder that they have the most beautiful girls. However, this does not mean that their behavior is acceptable and that it is fair. It’s just something that women are naturally attracted to and find hard to resist…
    Does this mean that we all need to become bad boys?
    No, this does not mean that in order to be successful with women, you need to become bad boys. Absolutely not. Based on this information, we can continue to explore what attracts women and how to combine it with our personality.
    The main thing is confidence.
    If you are an independent man who has adjusted his life, you can build on this confidence that will make you as attractive to women as some of those bad boys with the most beautiful girls. You don’t have to start behaving badly, but you can become more persistent, less approachable, and more mysterious . This will help you become more attractive and interesting to women. Relationships can be very complex, so it may be useful to slow down and analyze what qualities our potential partner is looking for in a man. Just a few small changes in yourself can change your personal life very much.